Fall Basket with leaves and pumpkins

Fall Basket with leaves and pumpkins

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sam is 9 years old!!!
This cake was made for my grandson. Sam is a lover of all things wrestling. He is also on a wrestling team and has won several medals.
He wanted a wrestling belt for his cake this year...
We made him a wrestling belt with the initials KWF, the name for his club "Kids Wrestling Federation" ( He made the name up.)
We put a digital frame on the top layer that played all his wrestling pictures and made 2 dozen sugar cookies with edible prints of some of his wrestling pictures....He said it was "awesome"

Sunday, May 2, 2010

David's First Communion

Made for the 8yr. old son of a dear friend and former co-worker.
Book cake is marble cake with fondant and buttercream. This cake will serve approx. 30 people.
David's only request was that he wanted his picture on the cake and he couldn't decide on chocolate or white so he got both!! Marble!!